Friday, July 26, 2013

Tough situations

So about a week ago I was dancing around this kiddy pool trying to encourage my dog to jump in, I slipped and fell and when I did my ankle hit some metal. Stitches? Yep.

When this happened I praised Jesus. I tried to find out God's intentions in allowing this to happen. There was some good that came out of it. I didn't have to clean the boat. That's not a big deal though-u might think. But God might have been saving me from something worse happening...that could have happened in the midst of cleaning the boat. Well then why did he let that other thing happen you say? Maybe I needed to learn something.

See even in these "tough" situations that we have, there is always a reason. God designed you with purpose - not so he can just play around with you and have fun. 

Saturday, July 13, 2013


I actually went thought depression not to long ago. It's a sad thing, filled with no life,a heavy heart, etc. but you can conquer it!! I personally, pulled through depression by listening to a few songs(ill list them at the bottom of this blog). I listened to them every. Single. Day.

The joy of The Lord is our strength. When I praised Him, He was happy:). Therefore, I got the strength to not give up. You can get this strength too! You have grit! You can get through anything!!!! I encourage you to never give up. 

Songs by: Kim Walker-Smith

The King Is Here (Live)
Yield My Heart (Live)
Spirit break out (live)