Sunday, October 20, 2013


Breathe and take a moment to remember what's really important.
-Phil Parker

   I like this quote because I can relate to it. As you know, I was depressed at one point in my life. I had to stop so many times and just breathe and remember the importance of life, and why this was happening to me. Taking a breather to remember the finer things in life that I can get to if I push past this, helped me so very much.

   Once I came out of depression, I was happy, but not as joyful. God is still bringing that joy back to my life! Still is! Just the other day I said to my youth pastor, "I'm not used to being this happy!" And as we talked I discovered that you can get addicted to ANYTHING. Sadness even. So don't forget to breathe, and push on. Lets get addicted to happiness:). 



What's impo( important) you ask?!
Reading the bible! WAITTT-I've already done a blog on the bible. But this, this will be a tad bit different!

So last week, I decided to just workout! So I did! And after 3 miles I walked around and all a sudden-whip lash! I got really dizzy, it's hard to see straight, and hard to see anything in general! I was really light headed and felt like I did when my ankle got busted open, but I wasn't afraid this time. I started thinking,"maybe I just need to go pee." So I wobbled my way over to the bathroom. Well that didn't help. Then I thought,"what could help this??"then I started praying in tongues. And when I stopped, this jumped into my mind, "My word is life,health and medicine to all flesh."  BINGO! So I recited the verse that's plastered on my brain-psalm 1:3:" I am a tree planted firmly by flowing streams if water which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither, whatever I do prospers."
And before you know it, I'm healed from that lightheaded ness and such:). 

Wow. How awesome. See the Holy Spirit would not have been able to bring that verse to my rememberance if I had not read it!

Any questions-you can always  leave a comment or shoot me an email..:)